Turmeric Cures
Turmeric contains a chemical known as curcumin that has very strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Taken internally, it has been used for centuries by medicine men and mothers alike to help fight infections or other problems of the body caused by toxins or other foreign materials.
Turmeric is said to help clear the phlegm that causes coughing; mix 2 tsp. into a glass of milk Or try eating it with equal amounts of caraway seeds or bishop's weed to help cure that nasty cold.
Beauty Aid
In ancient India, a paste consisting of turmeric, sandalwood powder and fresh cream was used by everyone--from royalty to servant to peasant--as a skin cream and continues to be used by many today. It is said to aid with skin spots, acne, dry skin, discoloration and signs of aging.
Turmeric is also used by many as a way of losing weight. Turmeric and honey mixed in equal proportions and taken twice weekly helps to clean your body of toxins and alleviate water retention.
Other Uses
Turmeric and buttermilk is an effective reliever of many stomach disorders. To help resuscitate your liver, a spoonful of turmeric paste mixed with a serving of yogurt can do the trick. Turmeric in capsule form has also been shown to help with allergies and hay fever, as well as cancer, arthritis, headaches (including migraines), PMS and menstrual cramps, tooth and gum problems and diabetes. If other remedies do not help what ails you, turmeric may be worth a try.