How Well Is Bee Pollen Absorbed
Many homeopathic specialists refer to bee pollen as a "super food" because of its nutrient-rich characteristics; scientists believe that bee pollen contains over 97 different nutrients, and all of the essential nutrients to support life, including protein, fats and lipids. Many athletes take bee pollen supplements to increase their energy supply. In addition, experts believe bee pollen may help patients who suffer from asthma, indigestion, allergies, sore throat, acne, fatigue, sexual problems and depression. Experts believe that bee pollen may also increase energy and stamina, slow aging and promote prostate health.
Bee pollen is rich in a wide variety of vitamins, including A, B, C, D and E. Vitamin B is especially important, as it increases metabolism, boosts energy levels and makes energy production more efficient. Bee pollen composition is generally 24 percent protein, 27 percent carbohydrates (primarily natural sugars, fructose and glucose) and 5 percent fat. Bee pollen is also rich in iron, zinc, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium and magnesium. In addition, bee pollen is rich in antioxidants, which assist in fighting off free radicals and reducing the risk of cancer and premature aging. Bee pollen also contains lecithin, which is an essential nutrient that assists in fat loss.
Absorption of Bee Pollen
Many physicians believe that the nutrients of bee pollen are not easily absorbed into the body; however, the quality of manufacturing seems to be the determining factor in the absorption levels of the pollen. Many bee pollen supplements are poorly manufactured, so that the nutrients are not readily available for absorption. Generally, bee pollens with absorption-ready nutrients are more expensive than their competition, but homeopathic specialists claim this increase in price means an increase in health benefits.
Purchasing Bee Pollen
Dr. Cherbuliez, a physician in Scarsdale, New York, and president of the American Apitherapy Society, reports that granules should be used before commercial preparations because the granules are closest to the original form of the product. In addition, Dr. Cherbuliez encourages consumers to select granules with the widest range of colors, which reflects a wide variety of plant sources and, consequently, nutrients.
Increasing Absorption
To increase the absorption rate of bee pollen, Dr. Cherbuliez recommends soaking the pollen granules in water or orange juice to break down the shell encasing the pollen. Generally, this process takes 10 to 12 hours. Without soaking, Dr. Cherbuliez reports that only 2 to 7 percent of the pollen is absorbed by the digestive system, but after soaking, nearly 90 percent of the pollen can be absorbed by the body.