The Effects of Evening Primrose
Evening primrose oil has long been used as a natural remedy for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. The oil is considered effective because of the high levels of gamma-linolenic acid (aka GLA) it contains. GLA is an essential fatty acid found in many foods, but evening primrose oil contains a higher, more concentrated dosage. Evening primrose oil is considered to be a very safe source of GLA. After ingestion, the body turns GLA into prostaglandins, a compound that can help reduce inflammation and regulate other bodily functions. The effects of using evening primrose oil as a supplement are varied, and the list of known benefits grows longer by the day.-
Female Reproductive Disorders
Evening primrose oil is commonly used as a natural supplement to aid in the relief of female reproductive syndromes and disorders, including PMS, fibrocystic breast condition and endometriosis. Evening primrose oil has an effect on these conditions because the GLA in the oil interferes with the body's natural production of prostaglandins. Some women can't convert linoleic acid into GLA on their own, so the GLA found in the oil will increase their abilities to absorb GLA and create more prostaglandins.
Eczema Relief
Eczema has a number of causes, one of which is the body's being unable to metabolize the fatty acids it needs. Evening primrose oil supplements give the body the GLA it isn't properly metabolizing after eating, which can reduce or eliminate the symptoms associated with eczema. Evening primrose oil for eczema can be taken orally or applied as a topical cream.
Acne and Rosacea
Evening primrose oil has been used very successfully in the treatment of rosacea and acne. Those suffering from acne often produce excess sebum--oil secreted by the skin. Evening primrose oil provides the body with enough essential fatty acids to dilute that sebum, reducing the likelihood that the sufferer will develop clogged pores or infections. The prostaglandins produced by the GLA in the evening primrose oil may also help contract the blood vessels in the face, thereby reducing the redness associated with rosacea.
Diabetic Neuropathy
Evening primrose oil has been proven to have a number of effects on a condition known as diabetic neuropathy. Diabetics taking evening primrose oil supplements report a reduction in the level of tingling, numbness and loss of sensation in the limbs often associated with diabetes.
Evening primrose oil has been shown to be effective in aiding alcoholics with withdrawal symptoms. Because of the level of prostaglandin in the supplement, patients are less likely to suffer from seizures or depression associated with withdrawal. The supplement may also help alcoholics to regain their lost memories and rebuild their eye-hand coordination skills.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Evening primrose oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the amount of pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis by either reducing inflammation or controlling and preventing it altogether.
Negative Side Effects of Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil has very few negative side effects, but the most common are bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort. Patients suffering from mental disorders such as schizophrenia or mania should avoid evening primrose oil because of the potential for a negative reaction when mixed with the medications needed to treat those disorders. Pregnant women should avoid evening primrose oil because, as with any other supplement, the baby could absorb the supplement through the breast milk.