Benefits of Papain

Papain is a protease enzyme naturally found in the papaya fruit. Papain is harvested from the papaya fruit by cutting out the fruit's latex, drying it, then rendering into a powder. It is mainly used in cooking to tenderize meat and has been used in the native papaya regions for many years.
  1. Uses

    • Papain is used to treat gastrointestinal problems such as stomach ulcers and indigestion.


    • Papain cleans the stomach lining and dissolves mucus accumulation along the digestive tract and in the excretory system.


    • Papain doesn't lose its proteolytic activity at different pH levels, making it a durable enzyme for medicinal treatments such as in the highly acidic stomach environment.


    • The enzymes also work to break down heavy proteins, making them easily digested and absorbed into the body.


    • Papain also works well against Celiac disease, shingles and herpes infections, and it shortens the healing time of some physical injuries and surgery.


    • Papain should not be taken in conjunction with blood-thinning medications.

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