How to Cure an MRSA Staph Infection Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Silver patches or bandages
- Acidophilus supplement
- Garlic supplement
- Tea tree oil
Natural Treatments for MRSA
See a doctor immediately---never self-treat or self-diagnose an MRSA infection, and follow all treatments as prescribed. MRSA is a dangerous and life-threatening infection, and cannot be ignored or treated without a doctor's advice.
Take a daily acidophilus supplement. Probiotics like acidophilus strengthen immunity by introducing "good" bacteria to the body. They also combat uncomfortable gastrointestinal side effects associated with vancomycin, the antibiotic commonly prescribed for MRSA.
Clean infected areas daily with hot water and soap to fight the infection and prevent it from spreading.
Rub tea tree essential oil, a natural astringent, around the area of the infection after thoroughly washing. Avoid putting the oil directly on an open wound, as this may cause severe pain.
Dry the area completely, and use a silver patch or bandage to cover the infection site. Silver patches and bandages are highly effective in combating skin infections. Change the bandage daily after cleaning.
Take a garlic supplement daily to boost resistance to MRSA and other staph infections. Garlic is not a cure, but the increased resistance that it provides helps the body fight infections.
Continue using the treatment plan for at least 1 week after symptoms are alleviated and your doctor is satisfied that the infection is cured. Take all prescribed medications for the recommended period of time, even if symptoms improve, to prevent reinfection.