Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
The most common initial complaint of people diagnosed with hypothyroid disease is lack of energy, followed by weight gain. Brittle hair and dry skin, abnormal menstrual cycles in women, decreased sex drive, depression, constipation, intolerance to cold and muscle cramping are other frequently reported symptoms.
Proper diagnosis by a physician is necessary, and many patients benefit through the use of prescription drugs to regulate T3 and T4. The combination of medical intervention plus natural solutions can lead to happier, more productive lives for most patients with hypothyroid disease and dysfunction.
B Vitamin Supplements
B Vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins that work together to enhance the metabolism. By making sure your diet is rich in B vitamins, you can naturally boost your metabolism by giving it the nutrients it needs to work properly. Sources of B vitamins come from a variety of foods, including whole grains, fish, bananas, root vegetables, chili peppers and brewer's yeast. Vitamin B-12 can only come from meat sources, so vegans should take B-12 supplements to ensure they get enough of this vitamin.
Daily Exercise
Exercise is good for your body and your mind. Exercising at least 30 minutes per day, four to five times a week can alleviate symptoms of depression, and can also boost metabolism. This helps your body to rid itself of toxins, which, in turn, takes stress from your liver, kidneys and adrenal glands. These important organs work together with your thyroid gland to regulate metabolism and keep your body processes running smoothly.
Daily Dose of Sunshine
Sunshine is an important source of vitamin D. In addition to other important roles, vitamin D has a vital function in regulating the body's immune system. The most common form of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This is an autoimmune disease, which means your body's immune system turns on your body. According to the Mayo Clinic, the causes of Hashimoto's thyroiditis are still being studied, but many homeopathic physicians encourage their patients to spend at least a few minutes in the sunshine each day to avoid vitamin D deficiency.
Meditation and Deep Breathing
Yoga, guided visualization and meditation are all helpful ways to practice deep breathing techniques. These techniques trigger what is called "relaxation response." Dr. Herbert Benson, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine of Harvard Medical School and founder of the Mind Body Medical Institute, is one of the world's preeminent proponents of the use of relaxation response in treatment of diseases and disorders. In the 1970s, he discovered meditation slows the body's heart rate, increases blood flow to all parts of the body, and gives people an overall sense of well-being. His research shows that people who practice relaxation response methods suffer less depression and can even regulate some hormones.
Take Care of Emotional Issues
Unresolved emotional issues are a frequent source of stress. Stress causes the adrenal glands to overproduce cortisol, which inhibits the body's ability to run properly. Too much cortisol affects the body's ability to utilize the hormones produced by the thyroid. Relieving stress by dealing with emotional issues can greatly affect the body's ability to function, and may decrease or eliminate many of the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism.