How to Treat Acne at Home
Acne Vulgaris can be caused by many different sources. Try to treat these roots before you do anything else. Eating habits like too much starch, sugar, and fried foods can cause acne. Constipation can also cause acne. Unhygenic habits like drinking too much coffee, tea, and alcohol; using tobacco; and sedentary habits all can be the causes of acne.
If the above does not apply to you, try these home remedies. Take supplements of Niacin, Zinc, and Vitamin A. Take 100 mg of niacin, 50 mg of zinc, and 50,000 international units of Vitamin A three times a day for about a month. Garlic pills are also known to help with acne.
On your face, try applying these daily: orange peels (pound them before applying), lemon juice, raw garlic, teaspoon of coriander or mint juice with a pinch of turmeric powder, fenugreek leave paste, 2 tbsp of chickpea powder with 2-3 drops of orange juice to make a paste, and/or grated cucumber. All of these prevents and treats acne.
If you have acne problems all over your body, try hot epsom salt baths. Add 1.5 kg of epsom sal to 60 liters of hot water for about 30 minutes.
Changing your diet for a week can dramatically help your acne problems. All fruit diet for a week seems like it may be drastic, but that's what might be necessary to treat your acne so that after that, you can just use preventive methods to not get your acne back. After the week of dieting, gradually come back to a diet of regular food.