Free 33 Home Medical Remedies
Listening to soothing music can relieve a variety of ailments. The glorious tones of Bach or Beethoven can help alleviate depression, arthritis pain, chronic pain, anxiety and stress. Soft, harmonious music can also be a catalyst into a soothing night's sleep for those who suffer from insomnia. Music therapy need not be limited to classical music, but it should be something that is soothing to the listener.
Color therapy, known as chromotherapy, is another popular alternative treatment. This is the reason hospital rooms are often a soothing light blue or green. Some practitioners say color can shift a mood or balance the body's energy to supply what's lacking. The eight chakras each correspond to a different color and energy. Those needing a boost in certain areas, such as a broken heart, need only focus on the corresponding chakra and the color associated with it, which would be the green heart chakra for one that is broken. Colors can also help purge negative emotions and switch a mood from glum to fun.
Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a health aid. It can be prepared in meals or taken as a pill, capsule or other supplement, but the effect will be the same. Garlic has traditionally been used to treat colds, the flu, ear aches, vaginal yeast and other infections. Other popular uses of garlic are to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system and as an antioxidant. Garlic is also taken in the belief that it can help prevent cancer, thin the blood, and to prevent hardening of the arteries, strokes and heart attacks.
A wide variety of herb or herbal supplements have been used to treat a number of ailments. Aloe is a popular topical salve for pain, inflammation, cuts, rashes and insect bites. Fish oil is thought to help with anxiety and depression, pain, inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, stiffness, fatigue and Reynaud's Disease. Flax seed is thought to help with pain, inflammation, stiffness, rheumatoid arthritis, constipation and possibly lupus nephtritis. More herbal remedies can be found at the health food store or online (see resources below).
If your condition is getting worse or not improving, consult your doctor immediately.
Herbal supplements and other alternative therapies may conflict with medications prescribed by your doctor. Consult with your doctor before taking herbal supplements or using any home remedy.