How to Use Supplements to Treat Meniere's Disease

Menière's disease is a medical puzzler. Its exact cause is not known, but many experts believe it results from fluid-filled chambers in the inner ear, which cause periodic attacks of vertigo. There are many contributing factors to its symptoms, severity and successful treatment. Along with proper diet and exercise, supplements can help the body restore its natural balance.

Things You'll Need

  • Manganese
  • Chromium
  • Coenzyme Q
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Cocculus Compositum
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      Have manganese levels checked by a medical or naturopathic physician. It is suspected that a deficiency of manganese may cause Menière's. If supplementing is suggested, 5 mg daily is a common dose for adults. Do not take manganese at the same time as calcium, spread the two supplements several hours apart during the day.

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      Use chromium to aid in controlling blood-sugar levels, which are often high in people with Menière's disease. High insulin levels impair circulation vital to oxygen-rich blood delivery to the ear and other body parts. Adults can take between 200 and 1000 mcg daily.

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      Improve circulation with coenzyme Q10, which also supports the immune system. Adults can take 100 mg daily or as directed on the label.

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      Support the nervous system with a vitamin B complex, follow the package directions for the proper dosage. Read the label, if a formula contains niacin (B3), do not take it if you have a liver disorder, gout or high blood pressure. Add extra B6 at 100-mg doses twice per day in addition to the B complex. This supports the nervous system and reduces fluid retention.

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      Take essential fatty acids to correct metabolic disturbances. These include primrose, flaxseed and fish oils. This coenzyme/antioxidant directs calories toward energy production and away from fat production, and it supports normal-range blood sugar and its effects on the nervous system.

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      Ease the symptoms of vertigo attacks with the use of Cocculus Compositum made by Heel Inc. This formula may help with the frequency and intensity of vertigo attacks and symptoms. Take per package instructions. See resources below for website.

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