Harmful Effects of Bitter Melon Leaves
Hypoglycemic Coma
Several in vivo studies, according to the Rain Tree website, have established the hypoglycemic properties of bitter melon. Many chemical constituents in bitter melon---including charantin, polypeptide P and vicine---are responsible for its blood sugar lowering capabilities. Yet bitter melon is contraindicated in diabetics, who should consult a physician prior to using it, else they suffer the risk of suffering from hypoglycemic coma, a glucose deficiency that leads to unconsciousness among other deteriorating health conditions. Regularly monitor blood sugar levels if you consume bitter melon, as the dosage of insulin medication may need adjusting. Children have reportedly experienced hypoglycemic coma after consuming a tea prepared from bitter melon, according to the Drugs.com website.
Hemolytic Anemia
According to the Wellness website, patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) deficiency should not consume bitter melon, as they risk experiencing hemolytic anemia and "favism," which is the first sign of hemolytic anemia. Symptoms of favism include headache, fever, abdominal pain and coma.
In vivo studies have proven that the fruit and leaf of bitter melon has an anti-fertility effect in female animals and negatively affects sperm production in male animals. Bitter melon induces abortion, can affect your ability to get pregnant and is not recommended during pregnancy or breast-feeding because of the risk of birth defects or spontaneous abortion.
Avoid bitter melon if you are allergic to the gourd or melon (Cucurbitaceae) plant family of melons which include the Persian melon, honeydew, casaba, muskmelon and cantaloupe. Telltale signs of an allergic reaction to bitter melon are quite evident and may manifest as skin rash and itching or shortness of breath.
Drug Interactions
Bitter melon is also known to have adverse interactions with other medications. Consult your physician prior to consuming bitter melon if you are on drug therapy for any health condition. Bitter melon interacts with drugs that are metabolized by the liver, fertility and anti-fertility agents, immune system suppressants or medications used to treat parasites.