Properties of Neem
The bark of the neem tree shrinks body tissue, cools the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties. The root bark is more potent than trunk or branch bark. It is used to treat fever, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, cough and worm and parasitic infestation. The bark can also be used to purify the blood. Additionally, the bark treats skin diseases, as it is non-irritating.
The young and old leaves of the neem tree have different uses. Young leaves are more astringent, which refers to the ability to shrink body tissue, and treat eye and skin diseases. Older leaves are anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and treat gastric and skin legions, muscular pain and blood impurities. Older leaves are also used as an insecticide and to treat poisonous bites. The leaves have antioxidant properties and treat cancer and prevent damage caused by free radicals in the body.
The seeds of the neem tree are primarily used to treat skin diseases. They are also antiseptic and parasitic and are used to treat open wounds and sores as well as parasitic infections. Neem seeds reduce plaque and bacteria in the mouth. The seeds can also be used for contraceptive purposes. In men the seeds act to reduce the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg, while in women the seeds inhibit the process of egg selection.
Flowers, Fruit and Gum
Like the seeds, the flowers and the ripe and unripe fruit from the neem tree can treat skin and parasitic infection. The flowers can also be used to treat fever, stomach-ache and cough. While the fruit of the neem tree is used to treat tumors and tuberculosis, the gum treats poisonous bites.