Natural Cures to Reduce High Blood Glucose
Diet is the best way to keep blood glucose levels within normal ranges. The foods a person eats have a direct impact on the amount of glucose in the blood. Carbohydrates are broken down in the body as glucose and used for energy. Some foods break down into glucose faster than others. This quick breakdown leads to a rise in blood sugar. Simple carbohydrates like sugars cause a spike in levels, while vegetables do not break down as quickly. Choose a diet that is balanced with lean proteins and complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables. Use the glycemic index to select foods that will have as little impact on glucose levels as possible. The index assigns a numerical value to each food and places it on the list according to how it affects blood glucose levels. See Resources for a link to the index.
Get at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week to reduce glucose levels. Exercise uses the glucose in the body as energy, which reduces blood sugar levels. Physical activity has many health benefits along with keeping blood glucose within normal ranges. Start slowly with an exercise routine if it is new. Thirty minutes can be a high goal for some, so break it up into 10-minute increments and do as much as you can. Within a few short weeks you will reach the 30-minute goal.
Stress Relief
Stress can have an impact on blood glucose levels as well. When a person is under severe emotional or mental stress, blood sugar rises. Take a little bit of time every day for yourself. Exercise is a great stress reliever for some, but meditation can also clear the mind and reduce stress. Avoid stressful situations. This is not easy, but once you are aware of the toll that stress takes on your health, take steps to keep it to a minimum. Find something that you enjoy like beautiful music or a walk in the woods to relieve the stresses of daily life.