How to Calculate Your Lunar Fertile Time
In the 1970s, Dr. John Rock and Dr. Edmond Dewan discovered the science supporting these old wives' tales. The light from the moon affects a woman's pineal gland as she sleeps, indirectly manipulating her hormone production. Today, most women will never notice a connection between her menstrual cycle and the moon. Modern-day street lamps and house lights smother the pattern of the moon. Fortunately, even these women can still take control of their fertility cycles through the power of light in the bedroom.
Things You'll Need
- Night light
- Eye mask
- Heavy curtains
- Lunar Calendar
Determine whether you need the assistance of artificial light. Women living in urban or suburban environments will need to buy night lights, heavy light-blocking curtains or an eye mask. Women living in rural environments will not need to purchase these things if the moon drastically affects the lighting in their bedrooms. During the new moon their bedrooms should be pitch black, but the full moon should flood their bedrooms with natural light.
Chart your cycle along with the cycles of the moon. This can be as easy as marking down the first day of each menstruation while noting what the moon is doing that evening. Women using artificial lights will need to manipulate their bedroom environments to mimic the phases moon. Use the curtains and eye mask on the moon's darkest days. Turn on the night light to simulate the full moon. Artificial light users can choose to keep their lighting patterns the same as the real moon outside, or they can use this simple formula: Darken the room on days one through 13 of your cycle, light the room on days 14 through 17, then return to darkness for the rest of the cycle.
Wait until your cycle syncs with the moon's cycle. Women living in rural areas will probably find themselves already synced to the moon. Women using artificial light should prepare themselves to be patient. You will know your cycle has tied itself to the night sky once you have observed several months of your period starting at the new moon.
Calculate your lunar fertile time simply by observing the full moon. The brightness of the moon will trigger ovulation, so the days when the moon is the brightest, or the days when the night light is turned on are your most fertile days.