How to Increase Oxygen in Your Home
When it comes to your health and overall quality of life, increasing the oxygen levels in your home can go a long way. More oxygen in the air you breathe has numerous benefits, including natural relief from headaches and migraines, stronger immune system and better memory. High oxygen levels can also increase energy levels, which can regulate your sleep schedule and lessen symptoms of fatigue. You can make additions and changes that can heighten the oxygen levels in your home.Things You'll Need
- Carbon monoxide detectors
- Plant life
Check your home for possible carbon monoxide contamination. Gas ovens and water heaters can sometimes have leaks that may affect the oxygen levels in your home. If you or a family member smokes cigarettes inside the home, this also can starve the air of oxygen. Quitting smoking is an option.
Add leafy plants to your home. These not only give texture to your interior design; they offer health benefits. Some good plants to consider for your home are areca palms, asparagus ferns and English ivy. Trees and plants increase oxygen in your home by absorbing the carbon dioxide in the air.
Open windows frequently to introduce fresh air. Conditioned air might be good for regulating temperature, but fresh air will provide a natural source of oxygen. Trees planted outside your home are especially beneficial.
Practice breathing exercises that involve breathing in deeply and releasing the breath fully. Inhale a long, deep breath and hold for up to 30 seconds. Slowly push the air out. To increase oxygen like a yogi, breathe in through the nose and out through the nose, pulling in with your belly during inhale and pushing out during exhale. Interchange long, deep breaths with short in-and-out breaths.