How to Increase Libido and Overall Wellness
Exercise regularly by participating in cardiovascular-based activities such as running, cycling, swimming and aerobics. Exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week. This will increase overall health levels and also make you feel more energized, which in turn can increase libido naturally and improve sexual performance through increased stamina. According to 4Men, regular exercise will also help you have a good night's sleep, which increases overall wellness and libido.
Eat healthfully by incorporating lots of fruit, vegetables and lean meats into your diet. Avoid junk food, which can clog up the arteries and decrease libido. Also, limit your intake of caffeine as this can hinder libido, and overconsumption can lead to anxiety.
Spend more time out in the sunshine to increase libido. Sunlight also provides the body with a source of vitamin D, which boosts the immune system and assists in the relief of health problems such as asthma.