Colonic Therapy Schools
Trained professionals administer the therapy, and several U.S. schools offer the necessary training.
California Colon Care
The Colon Care Institute, in San Juan Capistrano, California, is the only International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) certified school in Orange County. The school offers I-ACT certificate programs that include both classroom and practical training in areas such as digestive system review, colon hydrotherapy procedures and client communication. In addition, students receive comprehensive training in FDA-registered medical equipment used in colon therapy. Certification training is available for beginner through instructor levels. Tuition varies, depending upon certification level. Prospective students are encouraged to contact the school for complete information.
California Colon Care Institute
27514 Calle Arroyo - Suite A
Ortega Business Cottages
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
International School
The International School for Colon Hydrotherapy, Inc., is an I-ACT certified school in Juno Beach, Florida, about 15 miles from West Palm Beach. Opened in 1987, the school offers basic, intermediate and advanced level certifications, as well as classes for practicing therapists interested in becoming colon hydrotherapy instructors. Required for admittance are a high school diploma or higher, and a minimum of 30 hours of anatomy and physiology training. Prospective students can obtain application and enrollment information either with a phone call or via the school's website.
International School for Colon Hydrotherapy, Inc.
13878 Oleander Avenue
Juno Beach, FL 33408
Las Vegas Colon
The Las Vegas Colon and Hydrotherapy School and Clinic, LLC is an I-ACT certified school offering clinical and practical training in colonic therapy. Students complete a 70-hour in-class program featuring courses in business ethics and office procedures, anatomy and physiology and colon hydrotherapy. Students are also required to complete a 30-hour internship/apprenticeship with a licensed instructor in a clinical setting. Class sizes are limited to six students per term. Prospective students are encouraged to view the school's website or contact the school directly for application and enrollment procedures.
Las Vegas Colon and Hydrotherapy School and Clinic, LLC
1815 W. Charleston Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89102