The Healing Effects of Negative Ions
Health Effects
Negative ions have been found to boost the brain's oxygen levels as well as serotonin, a hormone that regulates the digestive system and which is also associated, according to ion researcher Dr. Michael Terman of Columbia University, with positive mood and increased energy. "The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods."
Following the premise of these findings, several companies manufacture negative ion generators for use indoors. These machines have been touted as alternatives to antidepressants, and effective for people suffering anxiety or mild depression. The generators work without the use of a fan, which avoids stirring up dust. Manufacturers also claim that unlike air purifiers, which work with a filter, generators do a better job of removing small particles that may be able to pass through a filter and return to the circulating air.
Air Cleansing
Negative ions also may have the effect of neutralizing airborne germs, pollen, mold, dust, bacteria and viruses, helping people vulnerable to allergies, asthma, colds and flu. The ions have the effect of clumping these particles together and causing them to precipitate out of the air. The particles can then be removed by normal surface- and floor-cleaning methods.