How Can I Become More Alkaline?
Increasing Alkaline With Food
Start by eating low-level alkaline based foods. These include peas, watermelon, apples, blueberries, pears, grapes, onions, raspberries, bananas, peaches, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, apricots, grapefruits, potatoes, strawberries and tangerines.
Increase your pH further by eating medium-alkaline foods including, cherries, limes, green beans, dried dates, raisins, avocado, pineapple, cauliflower, mushrooms, rutabagas, radishes, cucumbers, green soy beans, brussels sprouts and beets.
Eat high-alkaline foods, such as broccoli, cabbage, rhubarb, lima beans, lettuce, sauerkraut, watercress, chard, dried beans, carrots, dried figs, celery, molasses, beet greens and raw spinach.
Balance the protein you eat (specifically from meats) with fresh vegetables and fruits. This helps offset acid levels your body creates.
Drink your daily recommended amount of water. Water helps boost your body's alkaline, while flushing out acids.
Increase pH With A Healthy "Mental" Attitude
Avoid stressful situations that have been shown to decrease alkaline levels.
Stay away from tobacco, coffee, tea and alcohol, which produce higher levels of acid in the body, lowering the alkaline level.
Work out for recommended periods of time. Insufficient workouts can cause your body to produce high-levels of acid, since not enough alkaline is produced, while overexertion can deplete the body of needed alkaline.
Take some "me" time away from work and other situations that put stress on your body. A relaxing atmosphere has shown success in leveling off acid vs. alkaline levels.
Consult a doctor. Conditions such as a hormone imbalance, diabetes, bladder and kidney conditions and other ailments can decrease your alkaline and increase your acid levels. Doctors can often provide help with increasing your alkaline levels based on your own conditions.