How to Detoxify Your Bloodstream
Consume herbal blood tonics. Herbs such as blue flag, burdock, and chickweed are excellent blood purifiers. They can be easily found in the form of herbal capsules in natural supplement stores, pharmacies and even your local supermarket. The optimal dosage depends on a number of factors such as body weight and overall health. Read the label for instructions on usage and, if you are still unsure, visit a supplement store that offers personalized customer assistance.
Eat foods that nourish and detoxify the bloodstream. This includes spinach, asparagus, scallion, celery and carrots. Incorporate these foods into your diet by adding spinach, celery and carrots to your salads. Scallions can be chopped into small pieces and used to top off soups, or they can be stir-fried for a milder, sweeter taste. Asparagus can be lightly steamed and added to an omelet or eaten as a side dish.
Eat foods that nourish the liver. Because the liver is one of the body's main toxin eliminators, eating foods that nourish this organ will help to purify the blood as well. Foods that fit into this category include bitter leafy greens such as Swiss chard, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, watercress and arugula. Incorporate these foods into your daily diet by adding them to soups and salads and watch your health improve dramatically.
Consume foods high in fiber. Ground flaxseed, oatmeal, and quinoa create bulk in the intestines, promoting healthy, regular bowel movements. This regularity is essential to maintaining blood purity because constipation can cause toxins from the digestive system to be re-absorbed into the bloodstream. Other high-fiber foods that promote regular elimination are papaya, pineapple and prunes.
Drink green tea. Green tea is well known for its antibacterial properties and has been used for centuries in China to maintain overall health and vitality. The catechins present in green tea have been shown to thin the blood which helps to prevent blood clots. Green tea is also known to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Aim for at least three cups a day and, if you are able, buy loose leaf green tea which is of a higher quality than pre-bagged green tea.
Reduce your consumption of processed foods and focus on homemade meals made from whole foods. If you start taking supplements and adding healthy greens to your diet in order to detoxify your blood, you will be doing yourself a disservice by continuing to consume processed foods loaded with artificial preservatives and additives that are hard for your body to metabolize. Aim for a balanced diet that mainly consists of natural, seasonal whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean sources of protein such as turkey.