How to Balance a Health Triangle
How to Balance a Health Triangle
Get plenty of exercise. It's good to go for a jog or visit the gym each day, but you should also exercise your mental and social areas of the triangle. Doing trivia and puzzles, and frequently interacting with others in a positive way are also forms of exercising.
Get plenty of rest. Just as your body needs to rest, you should let the other areas of your health triangle rest as well. Meditating, dealing with stress and spending time alone when necessary are vital for healthy living.
Avoid negative influences. Refrain from alcohol, tobacco or drugs that can damage your body. Stay away from situations that cause undue anxiety or unease, and don't associate with people you find to be overly negative or toxic.
Try new experiences. A great way to expand upon an aspect of your health triangle that is falling behind is to try new experiences. If you're social aspect is weak, try going out to a club. If you're in need of improvement on the mental side, pick up a crossword puzzle and test yourself. If your workout routine is lagging, sign up for a new class or enlist a friend as a walking buddy.