The Best Liquid to Cleanse Your System
Liquid Cleansing
When using a liquid cleansing diet, you replace daily meals with liquid substitutes that contain an abundance of needed nutrients and vitamins. These types of diets are often used as preparation for surgery. It can be risky to use liquid diets just to lose weight.
Types of Liquids Used
Four types of liquids are normally used during this diet plan. Apple cider vinegar, lemonade, apple juice and water allow you to maintain a nutrient balance in your body, while avoiding added sugars and ingredients. All these drinks allow you to detoxify your body while helping you stay healthy.
Water is important for daily health. Lemonade and apple juice are both natural drinks that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Apple juice is also good for your liver and kidneys. Using unflavored apple cider vinegar can also help you clear out impurities in your body.
Safety Concerns
Liquid diets must be balanced since you are decreasing your daily calorie intake and this can cause physical problems such as dizziness and fatigue. It's vital that you receive the proper nutrients daily. When taking on a liquid diet it's important that you know exactly what you are drinking. Consult your doctor for professional advice on how to safely practice a liquid cleanse diet.