Coffee Enema Benefits
Coffee enemas are used as a method of detoxification. Benefits include the relief of headaches, nausea, pain and fatigue, and cleansing of the liver and colon.
Controversial Benefits
Coffee enemas have been used in the treatment of degenerative diseases in an attempt to reverse the effects of arthritis, lupus, heart disease, cancer, AIDS, and other conditions.
Coffee enemas differ from the more common saline enema. The ingredients caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline present in coffee enemas help relax smooth muscles, which causes blood vessels and bile ducts to dilate.
Coffee enemas are powerful detoxifiers because they increase production of free radicals and act as a form of dialysis in the body.
Using coffee enemas could cause electrolyte imbalances, possible caffeine addiction, internal burns, anal tearing, and other potential complications.