5 Day Detox
Foods to Avoid
During your detox and after, you can make a difference in your body by avoiding foods that put toxins into your body and/or raise your body's acidity. Choose organic fruits and vegetables over ones which have been treated with sprays. Don't drink juice from concentrate, coffee or caffeinated beverages, soft drinks, hot chocolate or alcohol. Stay away from processed foods, like margarine and processed meats. Avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup in it. Do not eat animal proteins, particularly red meat.
Dieting Menu
You can use a short-term diet for a 5-day detox. This diet also provides enough nutrients that you can continue to use it beyond the 5 days, if you desire. Some detox diets do not provide your body sufficient nutrition and are only to be used for a specific period of time. For breakfast, squeeze one organic lemon into a glass of hot water, and drink. Then serve yourself 250ml of 100 percent fruit juice--preferably orange or grape--along with 5 tbsp. of cottage cheese and 250g fresh fruit. For snacks between meals, take vegetable broth.
For lunch, you will also have 2 cups of vegetable broth with a salad of fresh, non-acidic vegetables, and fresh fruit for dessert. You may also have a glass of milk with this meal.
At dinner, drink 2 cups of vegetable broth again, along with all the steamed vegetables you want. Add butter to taste, if you desire, and also have one slice of whole grain bread. For dessert, make a fruit salad and eat as much as you like. After 5 days, you should begin to feel healthier. For better results, continue this diet for up to 1 month.