Body Detox & Healing
Understanding Detoxing
The purpose of your detox program is to eliminate the substances that have made you sick. Many illnesses are caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans in the colon. An overuse of antibiotics, corticosteroids and even a poor diet can spur this fungus overgrowth. The body's natural bacteria kill some of the fungus, but many bacteria die in the process. As the fungus dies, it emits toxins, and the erosion of bacteria provides a suitable environment for parasitic invasion. The candida erodes the mucus membranes of the colon. As a result, fecal impaction can occur along the walls of the colon and block vital nutrients. If left untreated, these entities can enter the bloodstream and invade cells and organs, leading to any number of diseases.
Selecting The Best Detox Program
It is easy to select a detox program for healing. You can do powder colon cleanses or colonic irrigation, juice with raw vegetables and fresh fruits, use certain teas such as Paul d'Arco tea or detox with foods such as garlic or virgin coconut oil. Many people use a combination of two methods. For example, juicing with raw vegetables, such as carrots, cucumbers and radishes, along with colon cleanses can ensure the elimination of toxins and parasites from multiple organs. These vegetables contain digestive enzymes that can fight systemic yeast and enhance the assimilation of vital nutrients. Colon cleanses can eliminate fecal impaction that harbor these entities. Fruits including kiwi and pineapples have digestive enzymes and serve as natural laxatives. Paul d'Arco tea, garlic and coconut oil also eliminate yeast.
Colon cleansing kits actually contain many herbs and foods, such as Paul d'Arco tea and garlic. The problem is that you may be allergic or sensitive to some of these substances, and so colonic irrigation may be a better option. Colon hydrotherapists usually administer these treatments. There are also home units available. Ultimately, juicing with vegetables and colonic irrigation may be your best option for detoxing. Your goal is to eliminate candida overgrowth so the colon walls can heal. This will help eliminate your symptoms.
Starting Your Detox Program
Start with several raw vegetables, such as carrots, spinach and cucumbers. Consider adding a fruit such as pineapples for flavor. Mix these in a blender. It is best to juice at least three times per day. Your objective is to work up to five to eight servings of vegetables per day. The advantage of consuming vegetables this way is that your body does not have to digest them. Your body can absorb the juice within 20 minutes.
If you choose to use colon cleanses, you can purchase them at any health food store. Most of them take a month to complete. Colonic irrigation programs can last six to eight weeks, depending on your health. In this method, you flush your colon with purified water. Stick with the juicing throughout the colon cleansing. Detoxing should be repeated every six to 12 months.