3 Day Liquid Detox

Staying healthy in today's world of canned food, preservatives and high fructose corn syrup can be a challenge. Temptations arise, and toxins and impurities will invariably build up in your body. A three-day liquid detox program can go a long way toward removing these impurities, increasing cell renewal and improving your immune system. With the right preparation, detox agents and an eye for nutrition and health, you will be feeling better than you can remember.
  1. Preparation

    • Be sure you are ready for a liquid detox. You must be physically fit and have no serious health problems. A liquid detox can put stress on your body, especially if you are underweight or have chronic conditions such as cancer, kidney or liver disease, ulcerative colitis, iron-deficiency or anemia.

      Invest in a container and keep it stocked with a liquid nutrient (such as juice or a protein shake) and with you at all times. When cravings hit, turn to the container.

    Detox Agents

    • Drink one cup of warm water with lemon juice when you wake. This will stimulate your gastric juices and help with digestion. Take two doses of a kidney and liver tonic over the three-day period. These can include chamomile or fennel tea, pure vegetable juice such as carrot or beetroot, or parsley or yellow tea. Be sure to drink eight 8 oz. servings of water every day. Drink a cup of herbal tea before bed.


    • Drink protein shakes, health shakes and commercial liquid meal substitutes to get your daily dose of protein (not to mention many other nutrients). Other good protein sources include non-fat milk and meat broth. You can also take solid vitamin supplements, which break up quickly and will not interfere with a liquid detox program. Fruit juice is high is nutrients, but make sure you are consuming kinds with low amounts of sugar and other additives. You can also try liquid (or powder that dissolves in liquid) fiber supplements.

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