Pineapple Detox Diet
The Properties of Pineapple
Pineapple is food high in natural sugars. It benefits the small intestine by breaking down waste. It can reduce intestinal inflammation and helps regulate the processes of the glandular systems, which produce necessary hormones. Detoxifying your body with the seven-day pineapple diet or juice fast will give you a boost of energy.
The Seven-Day Detox Diet
On each day, drink six to eight glasses of the recommended juice:
Day 1: Drink equal amounts of apple and celery juice, which are beneficial to the liver, kidneys and intestines.
Day 2: Drink only pineapple juice. Pineapple juice fights inflammation, allergies, arthritis and several other ailments.
Day 3: Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink.
Day 4: Drink only carrot juice, which aids in the functions of the liver, lungs, kidneys and eyes.
Day 5: Drink beet juice to remove toxins in the liver. Beet juice also helps reduce symptoms of arthritis and menstruation.
Day 6: Drink any type of green juice: cabbage, spinach, green beans, brussel sprouts or peas. Juices from green veggies improve circulation, functions of the digestive system and skin appearance. Vitamins and minerals in these juices also combat obesity and bad breath.
Day 7: Drink only distilled water to complete flushing out toxins and purifying your body.
Side Effects
You may experience some side effects from this seven-day detox diet, including headaches and diarrhea. This can be due to the high sugar content and lack of solid foods. Other side effects are constipation, acne, body odor, bad breath, fainting, dizziness, hunger and dehydration.