Is Colon Cleansing Safe?
What Is a Colon Cleanse
Colon cleanses generally involve one of two methods: 1) an colonic hydrotherapy; and 2) a use of oral supplements. Colonic hydrotherapy is a type of enema where a rubber tube is inserted up the rectum and into the colon. It irrigates the colon by flushing it out with water. The second type of colon cleanse uses either liquid or powdered supplements bought over-the-counter that help flush the system when taken with lots of water. There are two very opposing thoughts about the safety of colon cleanses.
The benefits of a colon cleanse are still to be substantiated by scientific research. Proponents to colon cleansing say that fecal matter may build up and harden in the colon, preventing the proper elimination of toxins and cause the colon to stop functioning properly. By cleansing, the colon is able to shed this toxic lining and allow the body to restore optimal functioning. Until studies can confirm this school of thought, evidence is strictly testimonial.
Bacterial Infection
With colon hydrotherapy, the rubber tube inserted into the rectum must be sterile in order not cause a serious infection. In this case, the person is flushing the colon out, which also includes flushing out good bacteria that would otherwise fight a bacterial infection. Unless probiotics are added to the system, it's a double whammy that can be very dangerous.
Electrolyte Imbalance
It is possible for someone to drink too much water, creating an electrolyte imbalance. The colon is already being flushed, causing a chemical imbalance that may take a day or two to restore. Over-consumption of water can lead to vomiting, heart failure or fluid buildup in the lungs. This may lead to a tear of the colon wall, which can be fatal.
Not FDA Regulated
Since many of the oral colon cleanses are sold over the counter, there is no regulation as to the quality and preparation of the contents. There is no way to know exactly which products are safe or not and no scientific data to prove any claims made by the companies selling the products. For many, the risks outweigh the benefits. Most doctors feel that a proper diet is the best means for helping rid the body of waste.
Jury Is Still Out
While the medical community is greatly opposed to home colon cleanses, there is a large demographic that find them beneficial. Whether this is a placebo or not is yet to be determined, and the scientific community at large will need to conduct significant research to either completely refute or embrace colon cleansing.