What Is Body Acidity?
The pH value stands for "potential of hydrogen" and is a system on a 0 to 14 scale. All liquids have a pH value, with acids lower than 7 and bases higher than 7. Water, which is neutral, is 7. The body has a natural pH value of about 7.365, meaning it has an alkaline, or base, pH position. If the body's pH falls under 7, you can lapse into a coma and die.
Natural Acidity
The body naturally produces and gets rid of acids. The stomach is filled with an acidic digestive juice which breaks down food. So anything eaten is naturally acidic as it passes into your intestinal tract. The stomach then creates a secretion which neutralizes this acid, making it an alkaline. Enzymes that convert chemicals into other chemicals may change the pH of certain parts of the body, but not by very much.
Causes of Excess Acid
Excess acids can come from aspartame, phosphorus from soda, and caffeine. These chemicals create conditions where excess acids can build up. Caffeine, for example, halts the body's ability to effectively use calcium, which is taken from bones and neutralizes acid. Products like soap, shampoos, deodorants, and lotions are also easily absorbed into the body. The skin is an important organ for detoxifying the body.
There are many foods that contain both alkaline properties and acidic properties. Alkaline vegetables include garlic, asparagus, beets, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, celery, and onions. Alkaline fruits include avocados, grapefruit, limes, lemons, and coconuts. Some types of acidic foods are grains like wheat, cake, corn and oats, and dairy products, nuts, and butters. Some acidic fruits include oranges, bananas, watermelon, mangoes, tangerines, and grapes.
Health Risk
The body takes in lots of excess acids and must find ways to neutralize them. Because the body's kidneys cannot eliminate all the acid, the body can grow obese, have lowered immunity, and is subject to diseases and bacteria. Acid coagulates blood with fatty acids. Skin that no longer has full access to blood capillaries can sag and wrinkle over time.