Alternative Treatments for Carpal Tunnel
Surgery is the last resort to become pain free from carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain medications are frequently used but can have side effects. Alternative therapies and complementary medicine can be provide beneficial treatments with less risk.
Causes and Symptoms
In many cases, the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is unknown. People who are at risk for carpal tunnel syndrome do repetitive tasks at work, often for hours a day, typing on a computer keyboard or performing factory work. However, broken or dislocated bones in the wrist that produce arthritis can be an associated condition. Thyroid gland imbalance and sugar diabetes are also suspects.
Symptoms begin gradually. Pain, weakness or numbness in the hand and wrist radiate up the arm. Symptoms often worsen during the day. People might feel tingling and decreased grip strength, and it may be difficult to form a fist or grasp small objects. Performing manual tasks becomes a hardship.
Acupuncture Treatment
The Mayo Clinic cautions that alternative treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome are popular on the Internet and in books and magazines, but that "In some cases, researchers haven't studied these treatments adequately using widely accepted scientific methods. In other cases, however, a growing body of evidence indicates that some alternative treatments may help relieve carpal tunnel symptoms."
Acupuncture works to relieve the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome, according to acupuncturist and chiropractic physician Robert Scarnecchia of the Chiropractic Group in Okeechobee City, Florida. "With the use of painless needles, it works on the meridian system to tonify and sedate the area of involvement by manipulating points locally and distally to the injured area. This draws energy away from overactive areas and towards sedated areas," he explains. Acupuncture has been practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years.
A Holistic Approach
Dr.Scarnecchia combines acupuncture, chiropractic treatments and orthotics in a holistic approach to the condition of carpal tunnel syndrome. "Chiropractic manipulation increases motion of the carpal bone, decreases entrapment, and creates stability to the tunnel arch," he says. "Soft tissue techniques include stretching the wrist flexors/extensors to remove adhesions and scar tissue in muscle; and the Graston technique breaks scar tissue in carpal tunnel and surrounding structures and removes entrapment of nerves and tendons."
Scarnecchia also recommends to his patients the use of orthotics to brace the area and stop the repetitive motion that promulgates the problem. He points out that it takes nine weeks of support for ligaments to shorten into a proper carpal tunnel arch.
Stretching Techniques and Exercise
Myofascial release is a highly specialized stretching technique used by physical therapists and chiropractors alike. The therapist finds the area of tightness of the fascia and a light stretch is applied until the tissue area relaxes.
Physical therapists at Wholistic Therapy Center in New York also utilize ultrasound to help reduce inflammation and electrotherapy to strengthen weak muscles of the forearm hand and arm.
Most alternative medicine practitioners will recommend specific exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the forearm and hand at home.Certain kinds of yoga exercises seem to help some sufferers, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Experiment with Caution
Carpal tunnel is a stubborn condition for many people and may require some experimenting to see which treatments help the most. Consult with your health care provider regarding the use of alternative and complementary medicine. Fortunately, chances for recovery from carpal tunnel are good with diagnosis and medical attention.