Ionic Foot Bath Treatment
Nothing Proven Yet
Although no formal clinical trials or any scientifically proven tests have been conducted on this subject, regular users of ionic foot bath claim marked differences in their health issues. Holistic approaches like Reiki or Chiropractic also do not have any scientific base but are known to be effective. Let us understand what an ionic foot bath is before we jump to any conclusions.
Understanding the Theory of an Ionic Foot Bath
Some believe an ionic foot bath is cellular cleansing. A tub of salt water with energizing cartridge (electrode plates) in which the feet are soaked for about half an hour helps remove the toxins from our body. As current passes through the electrodes, ionization occurs that changes the molecular structure of water into anions (pronounced an, ions) and cations (pronounced cat, ions). Due to osmosis, anions move past the skin barrier, enter the bloodstream and are circulated to all the cells in the body. These anions strengthen the cells, flushing out the toxins that get collected in the tub of water and change the color of the water.
Ionic foot baths stimulate the bio energetic field of our body, assisting in smooth energy flow through the body. As the cells grow stronger there is better capillary micro circulation of nutrients, which in turn helps in detoxification. Thanks to this external help, our internal detoxifying organs like kidneys, liver, colon, lungs and skin are able to perform better. The above process strengthens our immune system, and our body is able to cope better when it is attacked by bacteria, virus or other undesired elements. The above process causes a feeling of well-being and in turn it improves our memory and sleep patterns. Ionic foot baths are also believed to help repair connective tissues and increase flexibility, which helps relieve headaches and joint pain in arthritis.
Test Out the Theory Yourself
While a reputed brand’s ionic foot bath may cost you nearly $1,000, most spas offer a 30-minute session at less than $45. Experience once for yourself, and for all you know you may end up buying one if the benefits it claims come true.
A word of caution, though: An ionic foot bath is not advisable for people with pacemakers, organ transplants, pregnant women or nursing mothers.