Recipe for a Liver Cleanse

This is a recipe for a gentle liver cleanse that should be done in the morning. It can be done once, or up to three days in a row. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided for at least three days before the cleanse.
  1. Ingredients

    • 1 cup organic fruit juice (apple or cranberry work best)
      Fresh squeezed juice from 2 to 3 lemons, or 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
      1 cup spring or distilled water
      1 clove garlic
      1 tablespoon virgin olive oil
      1/4 to 1/2 inch fresh ginger root


    • Crush or press the garlic clove. Add all ingredients into the blender. Blend until everything is smooth. Drink slowly on an empty stomach. Follow up with a glass of water or organic juice.

    After Drinking the Cleansing Liquid

    • Within an hour of drinking the cleansing liquid, a soothing hot herbal tea can be imbibed. Continue to drink lots of liquids throughout the day, especially water. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

    Side Effects

    • Cleansing the liver can often cause anger, sadness and general irritability during the process. Flushing your system of toxins can create headaches, a slight fever and frequent urination.


    • This cleanse can help renew energy levels and vitality. It can bring feelings of joy and well being once the toxins are released from your body.

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