How to Detoxify Your Body Safely
Consult with your doctor. Do not begin any kind of detoxification process or exercise regimen without receiving permission from your physician first. Certain medications and health conditions could be very seriously affected by rapid lifestyle changes.
Revamp your diet. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, non-animal proteins like beans, soy and nuts, and avoid red meats, animal fats, sugars and processed foods.
Drink lots of water. Our bodies are mostly made up of water, and nothing will help flush toxins and illness out of your system like water. Most health scientists recommend six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day, but if you are detoxing, you need closer to 10 to 12 glasses.
Get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 3 times per week. If your heart isn't pumping a bit harder than when you are sitting still, the exercise isn't aerobic.
Choose a supplementary detoxification method: Detox tea, colon cleansing or detox supplements are all very popular options, and thus, there is more information available about their risks, benefits and side effects.
If you choose to try colon cleansing, take a psyllium fiber supplement like Metamucil three times per day for no more than two weeks. This is the safest, most effective method, and if you feel it is necessary you can repeat this step after a two-week break.
If a detox tea or supplement is your method of choice, follow the directions exactly. Be sure to choose a tea or supplement that is all natural, and avoid caffeine. Most of these should not be taken for more than two weeks at a time.
Follow these steps for at least 40 days, and your body detoxification should be effective. However, for lasting health benefit, incorporate Steps 1 through 3 into your current lifestyle.