How to Make Homemade Mosquito Repellent
Things You'll Need
- Eucalyptus oil (or leaves) Catnip essential oil Fresh garlic Fresh rosemary Carrier oil Marigolds Dish soap Glycerin Hose sprayer
Make your own fresh mosquito repellent with aromatic eucalyptus. If you're lucky enough to have a plant in your yard, boil a handful of leaves in a quart of water and allow the liquid to cool before straining it and pouring it into a spray bottle to use on exposed skin before going outside. Alternately, add a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus to carrier oil and rub it on bare skin. Choose a light carrier oil such as jojoba or almond oil.
Substitute catnip oil for for eucalyptus oil to make a repellent oil that smells very little but effectively keeps mosquitoes at bay. Two or three drops of catnip essential oil in a cup of carrier oil will last a long time. Use it sparingly on your skin. A natural ingredient, nepetalactone, is an instant mosquito irritant although it has no offensive odor. Purchase essential oils online. (See Resources)
Boil fresh rosemary leaves to make an herbal tea that repels mosquitoes and other insects when sprayed on skin and clothing. Add ½-cup of fresh leaves to a quart of boiling water and allow it to simmer for five minutes. After the mixture cools, strain and use in a spray bottle.
Crush fresh garlic and rub it directly on your exposed skin. The aroma isn't pleasing but it effectively repels mosquitoes. Make sure to rub your ankles beneath your socks to keep chiggers away. You may also simmer fresh garlic as a tea but it will be slightly less effective than rosemary or eucalyptus.
Make a homemade repellent to treat your entire yard by filling a hose sprayer attachment with inexpensive dish soap and adding a tablespoon of glycerin for every 2 cups of soap. Choose a light spray setting and spray down your entire yard. You'll repel mosquitoes and other biting insects while protecting your grass and plants from bacteria and bugs.