Smarties Snorting Dangers
Smarties are ground up into a fine powder and then snorted up the nasal cavity using a straw or rolled-up piece of paper. This leaves sugar residue in the nasal cavity, sinuses and even the lungs. The sugar settles into these cavities and can eventually lead to infections or nagging coughs. A severe infection of the lungs leads to asthma, wheezing or even respiratory arrest, according to a report by ABC News. Minor infections may go unnoticed if children do not tell parents about snorting Smarties.
Scars and Nasal Issues
Continually snorting any type of drug through the nose can lead to scarring on the tissue inside the nasal cavity and sinuses, ABC News reported. When the Smarties are not ground up finely enough, chunks can be inhaled that can tear the sensitive tissue inside the nose or even become stuck inside the nasal cavity. Once a chunk has become stuck in the nasal cavity, it must be removed by a specialist.
Inhaling sugar into the lungs and through the nasal cavity has been shown to create a smoker's cough, according to the Mayo Clinic. If the cough is severe enough, it can lead to a laryngospasm, which will causes the voice box to close or spasm. Frequent snorting of Smarties leaves sugar in the tissues of the lungs and nose, which can lead to irritation. Children that are allergic to sugar can cause an immediate allergic reaction by snorting Smarties, which when untreated can lead to death or respiratory arrest.
Snorting Smarties leaves a dust of sugar inside the nasal cavities. According to the Washington Post, frequent snorting of Smarties can lead to infections, but also the possibility of maggot infestation in the nasal cavities. Maggots feed off sugary substances and therefore can find a home inside a nasal cavity that is filled with sugar dust.
Precursor to Drug Use
Snorting Smarties is considered innocent by those that do it because it is not a drug. However, the act of snorting candy like a drug is thought to lead to future drug use, according to ABC News. Since children feel they are getting "high" off Smarties, they may eventually be tempted or urged to try real drugs or pick up smoking.