How to Maintain a Youthful Appearance
Things You'll Need
- All natural skin care products
- Organic foods
- Vitamins and Minerals
How to Maintain a Youthful Appearance
Drink small doses of vinegar and honey each day to detox the body. Drinking a teaspoon of colloidal silver every day is also a great help in detoxification. If you drink a lot of water along with these treatments, it will help to wash out the toxins. Everyone needs to detoxify their bodies, as there are simply too many poisons in the world today. Another method of doing this is to add one drop of iodine to a glass of water each day and drink it. Iodine is a necessary element for good health.
Avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol excessively. Once you stop partaking in these bad habits, it will help to eliminate the signs of premature aging. It will also help to keep toxins out of your system. If you do smoke, quitting now can make all the difference in the world in how you look and feel. Additionally, according to Dr. Jospeh Mercola, using sunscreen is bad for the health of your skin as it prevents your skin from producing vitamin D, which your body needs for healthy functioning. Regular use of sunblock is liable to make the skin age faster than it normally would.
Eating unnatural foods that are filled with chemical additives is a very bad idea, as they are often indigestible and hard on the body. By eating mostly foods that are natural you are able to not only aid your digestion but you are following your body's natural design. Organic farming is one alternative to eating foods with chemical additives, though the organic food products are usually more expensive than the regular versions.
Use only all natural skin lotions on your skin or olive oil rather than chemical face and hand lotions. The natural products will easily absorb into the skin, making wonderful moisturizers that will not harm you in any way. Olive oil also contains many essential nutrients that help promote vibrant good health. Read labels on skin care products very carefully to determine what is natural and what is not.
Take vitamin and mineral supplements in as natural a form as you can find. Read the labels carefully to make sure they are all easily digestible. Calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D and Magnesium are all essential elements for healthy, youthful skin, hair and nails. Calcium is not needed just for bones and teeth but is found in every single cell of the body, so it needs to be supplied on a daily basis.