Types of Cough Suppressants
Both prescription and over-the-counter cough suppressants may come in liquid form. One common over-the-counter liquid cough suppressant is Dextromethorphan, known as DXM. DXM is an ingredient in many liquid cough and cold remedies, but it also has a potential for abuse. A common prescription cough suppressant that often comes in liquid form is Codeine.
Pills or Capsules
Cough suppressants that are available in liquid form are typically also available in liquid gel capsules. Over-the-counter cold and cough capsules may contain cough suppressants such as DXM. This may also come in pill form with an expectorant. Pill and capsule forms of some cough suppressants have the same potential for abuse as liquid forms because they can produce the same mind altering effects.
Cough suppressants that come in lozenge form release the medicine over time. They typically contain the same medicines that you would find in any other cough suppressants; the difference is the delivery method. Sick people do not have to swallow lozenges. They keep them in their mouths while the lozenges dissolve, releasing the medication.
A type of cough suppressant that is liquid but not swallowed by dose is cough suppressant spray. The medicine, which is similar to other liquid cough suppressants, works by spraying it into the mouth. The spray should get as close to the throat as possible.
Not all cough suppressants are sold over the counter or prescribed. Home remedies in the form of food can be effective cough suppressants. Honey is one of the most popular foods that soothe coughs. Two teaspoons of honey can reduce nighttime coughing fits and help sick people sleep. Another possible home remedy for cough is chocolate or cocoa.