How to Detoxify with Cranberry
Take a cranberry supplement. Many vitamin companies have cranberry supplements on the market. The supplements are usually tablets that can be taken on a daily basis depending on your need to detoxify your body. Each tablet will contain between 400 mg and 1200 mgs of cranberry concentrate. Nature's Plus, Nature's Life and Nature's Way are three vitamin companies that offer a cranberry supplement.
Drink a cranberry elixir. To make a cranberry elixir, mix 1 cup water with 1/8 cup unsweetened cranberry juice. Drink the elixir three times per day for one week every three months for the best results.
Add cranberries to your diet. Toss cranberries into a salad or you can eat dried cranberries mixed in with a handful of your favorite cereal. You will find a number of recipes that call for fresh or dried cranberries. Choose one that fits your palette.
Use a cranberry facial cleanser. Toxins from your body will work into your pores and into your skin. Many facial problems can be cleansed using a cranberry facial cleanser. There are cranberry-based products available for daily cleaning as well as for exfoliating your skin.