How to Make Mixtures With Bentonite Clay for Brushing Teeth
Rich in minerals that are good for your teeth and gums, like calcium and potassium, bentonite clay is a nontoxic and inexpensive product that can be added to natural mixtures for brushing teeth. Find bentonite clay in bulk powder form from online vendors as well as in many health food and grocery stores. When hydrated, bentonite clay powder forms a thick paste-like substance that allows other ingredients in the mixture to gel together. Store the mixture in an airtight container to keep it dry and add water to a small amount to hydrate it just before brushing your teeth.Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Bentonite clay powder
- Mixing bowl
- Tablespoon
- Ground cloves
- Essential oil (peppermint, tea tree oil, cinnamon etc.)
- Stevia powder
- 8 oz. jar
Mix the baking soda and bentonite clay in a ratio of 4-to-1. Mix 16 tbsp. of baking soda and 4 tbsp. of bentonite clay powder in the mixing bowl with the tablespoon. Baking soda is often an adjunct or base in natural tooth cleaning formulas because of its ability to naturally polish and whiten teeth.
Add 1 to 2 tsp. of the ground cloves to the mixture for every 8 tbsp. of baking soda. Cloves clean the teeth, fight bacteria and even numb tooth pain.The powerful aromatic oils in cloves also help to combat bad breath and leave the mouth with a clean and tingling feeling.
Add several drops of an essential oil for further antibacterial and aromatic properties. Peppermint, cinnamon and tea tree oil are commonly used essential oils in natural toothpastes and dental products. Add essential oils to your taste and strength but do not exceed recommended doses on the individual oils. Contact with skin and mucus membranes of some undiluted oils can cause irritation and even mild inflammation.
Add 1 tsp. of stevia powder to each 8 tbsp. of baking soda. Stevia is a natural sweetener that inhibits the growth of bacteria like E. Coli and Staphyloccocus Aureus, according to a study published in the International Journal of Integrative Biology in 2008. Stevia is widely available in powder form at health and grocery stores.
Mix ingredients well in the mixing bowl with the tablespoon before transferring to an air tight 8 oz. jar for storage. Stir out any lumps caused by the essential oils until the mixture has a even powdery consistency.
Store the jar of tooth brushing mixture in a cool dark place.
Moisten toothbrush with a bit of water before putting on a small amount of the mixture.