What Are the Four Pillars of NLP?
Rapport focuses on how you build relationships with other people. A person can learn this skill by learning specific techniques applicable to any setting or person, including co-workers, supervisors or family members. For some people, rapport requires trust, understanding, safety and respect. In other cases, these elements may not matter. However, the most reliable way to accomplish rapport is to develop a sincere interest in the individual. In NLP, some common methods to capture a person's unconscious attention include matching the individual's posture, gestures or tone of voice.
Sensory Awareness
The pillar of sensory awareness involves a person's ability to ascertain what is going on internally and externally. It entails reading yourself as well as other people. These sensory perceptions may include awareness of another person's actions, such as a change in muscle tone, eye movement, skin color or breathing rate. Feedback from the other person's actions and reactions show if the other individual has the desired state. Your reaction to the situation is also part of the feedback. Typically, people miss small or even noticeable changes because they prefer to view the situation through their own perspectives.
Outcome Thinking
Successful outcome thinking requires several elements. Individuals should have clearly defined outcomes to move toward things they desire. This limits the chance of meandering without reason or purpose. Also, outcomes should be stated in a positive manner and in terms of what you want to occur. The person must have the ability to test and demonstrate outcomes. This approach enables the person to take measurements to determine progress toward achieving the desired results. It's important to make the desired outcome "sensory specific." This means having the ability to describe what the result looks like and how it should feel when achieved.
In addition, the individual must state and maintain the outcome. NLP requires people to state what they want under certain circumstances and avoid generalities. The outcomes must also maintain the positive results of the current state and not cause harm to anyone.
Behavior Flexibility
Behavior flexibility concerns the ability to do something differently. Individuals should vary their actions when a particular approach does not work. For example, an unresponsive person may become receptive if the other person uses the rapport-building technique of demonstrating a genuine interest in that individual. Individuals have a choice of actions or a range of responses to external stimuli. Sometimes, this entails looking at things from multiple perspectives and perceptual positions. Flexibility enables a person to accumulate more information, which increases her options.