How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Treat Phobias

Neuro linguistic programming, or NLP, is a more than 40-year-old system designed to supposedly eliminate negative thoughts and habits and improve one's business and social life. While some practitioners make exaggerated claims about its effectiveness, many people report they have conquered traumatic experiences and phobias with NLP, often in a short time. Various methods are employed to attain these results, but all rely heavily on visualization and sensory images.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet access and email
  • Telephone
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  1. Get the Facts on Neuro Linguistic Programming

    • 1

      Visit a Web site or read a book that explain what NLP is all about. A good summary can be found at the Change That's Right Now Web site (see Resources below).

    • 2

      Narrow your search to the NLP methods that experts specifically use to treat phobias, such as phobia release, anchoring and time line therapy. Watch a video of an actual time line therapy session at the TimeLineTherapy Web site (see Resources below).

    • 3

      Note down or print out relevant facts, as well as any questions you may have about the process, and save these lists for future reference.

    Find a Local NLP Practitioner

    • 4

      Look for an NLP practitioner in your area using a recommendation from a friend, a telephone directory or an online directory, such as the NLP Practitioners Directory (see Resources below).

    • 5

      Contact one or more of the names you find.

    • 6

      Have your questions ready, including queries about what therapy the person uses, the length of time needed for the therapy and its cost.

    • 7

      Make an appointment.

    Prepare for Your Session

    • 8

      Prepare for your appointment by doing some further research on the method your therapist will use.

    • 9

      Look up case studies to find out what happens in a session. Note especially what kind of guided imagery may be involved.

    • 10

      Participate actively in your therapy session. Good results with NLP are possible only with your full cooperation.

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