What are the meaning of tone?
* The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds such as timbre or pitch.
* The pitch or frequency of a musical note.
* A musical sound of definite pitch.
2. In language:
* The writer's or speaker's attitude toward the subject matter of a written or spoken piece.
* The emotional quality of an author's language, as determined by word choice, imagery, and syntax.
* The way in which something is expressed, especially as reflecting the speaker's or writer's attitude or emotion.
3. In art:
* The relative lightness or darkness of a color.
* The perceived lightness or darkness of a color relative to neighboring colors.
* The brightness or dullness of a color.
4. In photography:
* The overall color balance of a photograph.
* The light and dark areas of a photograph.
* The range of tones from black to white in a photograph.
5. In psychology:
* A state of emotional tension or excitement.
* A feeling of pleasure or displeasure.
* A state of mind or feeling.
6. In computing:
* A unit of sound on a computer.
* A sound made by a computer.
* A beeping sound made by a computer.
7. In other contexts:
* A sound or noise.
* A particular sound or noise.
* A quality or characteristic.