What are the diff functuation marks?

There are 14 punctuation marks in English:

Period (.) – Denotes the end of a sentence.

Comma (,) – Marks off phrases or clauses that add information to a sentence.

Semicolon (;) – Joins two related sentences.

Colon (:) – Prepares the reader for something that follows, such as a list or quotation.

Question mark (?) – Indicates a question.

Exclamation point (!) – Conveys strong emotion, such as surprise, joy, or anger.

Apostrophe (‘) – Indicates possession, omission of letters, or the formation of a contraction.

Quotation mark (“”) – Encloses the words of a spoken person or a title.

Hyphen (-) – Joins words together or indicates the break between syllables.

Dash (—) – Sets off a phrase, clause, or sentence that adds extra information, or provides emphasis.

Parenthesis (()) – Encloses non-essential words, phrases, or clauses.

Brackets ([]) – Encloses editorial comments or asides, or to add information that is not in the original text.

Ellipsis (…) – Indicates that words have been omitted.

Slash (/) – Separates items in a series, indicates a choice, or shows breaks in lines of poetry.

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