What is dyscalcula?
People with dyscalculia may have difficulty:
* Understanding basic math concepts, such as counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
* Learning math facts, such as multiplication tables
* Solving math problems
* Applying math skills to real-world situations
Dyscalculia can range from mild to severe. Some people with dyscalculia may only have difficulty with certain math concepts, while others may have difficulty with all areas of math.
Dyscalculia is not a sign of low intelligence. People with dyscalculia can be very intelligent in other areas, such as reading, writing, and science.
There is no cure for dyscalculia, but there are treatments that can help people with dyscalculia learn math skills. These treatments may include:
* Special education services
* Math tutoring
* Computer-assisted instruction
* Cognitive behavioral therapy
With proper treatment, people with dyscalculia can learn to manage their symptoms and succeed in school and in life.