What are some words that start with the prefix em?
- Embarrass: To cause someone to feel ashamed or uncomfortable.
- Embellish: To decorate or improve something, often in an exaggerated way.
- Ember: A small piece of glowing coal or wood that remains after a fire.
- Embezzle: To steal money or property from an employer or organization.
- Embolden: To make someone feel more confident or courageous.
- Embouchure: The way a musician forms their lips and mouth to play a wind instrument.
- Embrace: To hug someone tightly, often as a sign of affection or comfort.
- Emergency: A sudden, urgent situation that requires immediate action.
- Emigration: The act of leaving one's country to settle in another.
- Eminence: A position of high rank or importance.
- Eminent: Distinguished or famous, especially for one's achievements.