Definition of Thai Massage
The roots of Thai massage are in India, where the concept of body energy lines was extended to include physical manipulation of these lines to increase or improve energy flow throughout the body.
Early writings indicate that the philosophy originated in northern India around 500 B.C. The teachings later spread and combined with Chinese medical concepts in Thailand.
Professional Thai Massage
A professional Thai massage is performed with the client laying on a futon and dressed in loose, comfortable clothing. Unlike Swedish massage, oils or lotions are not required.
The masseur (male) or masseuse (female) uses pressure on the client to press stressed muscles and encourage flow of blood and lymph, as well as realign the axial lines of muscle bundles.
Compressing and relieving muscles forces blood flow through knotted muscles and flushed the knotted muscles much as squeezing and releasing a dirty sponge underwater will flush the sponge clean.
Once returned to the normal cleansing functions of the circulatory and lymph systems, the knotted muscles will be better maintained.
Energy Lines
Thai massage directs pressure and strokes along energy lines to aid in beneficial blood movement. Many of these strokes aid in relieving pressure along major nerve trunks and help unknot lines of the lymph system as well.
Thai Versus Swedish massage
In the United States, Thai massage is less understood than Swedish massage. Swedish massage schools have standards of training which vary from state to state, but share the core steps of: effleurage, petrassage, friction, tapotement and nerve stroke.
Thai massage is unregulated or an unclear subset of Swedish massage in many states. This lack of definition leads to gray areas where unprofessional activities can flourish.
Thai Massage "Happy Endings"
This euphemism has been attached to many oriental or Asian massage practices.
While illegal in most states, it has attached itself particularly to Thai massage and makes the professional practice of this ancient technique exist under a cloud of suspicion in many American cities.