How to Use Shiatsu for Constipation
Things You'll Need
- Black Pepper
- Sweet Almond Oils
- Lemongrass Oil
- Tennis Balls
To Begin With
Stimulate elimination by applying steady pressure to the point on the back of your hand at the web between your thumb and index finger. Hold for at least two minutes.
Apply firm pressure to the point four finger-widths above the wrist on the back of your forearm to remove stagnation in the bowel.
Trigger colon function and relieve constipation and indigestion by applying gentle pressure with your thumb to the point on the outside edge of the crease of your bent elbow.
Apply pressure with your thumbs to the point next to your spine between the ninth and tenth ribs to disperse stagnation in the colon.
Promote circulation in the bowel by stimulating the point two finger-widths on either side of the spine.
Relieve constipation with firm pressure applied to the point three finger-widths below the belly button on the midline of your abdomen. Breathe deeply and feel your abdomen move against the pressure as you inhale. Visualize your breath flowing out as you exhale.
Release stagnation in the stomach and aid digestion by applying pressure to the point on the outer lower leg in the muscle between the two leg bones four finger-widths below your kneecap.
Abdominal Shiatsu for Constipation
Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent and your feet wider than your hips.
With the tip of your sternum representing 12:00, apply pressure in a clockwise fashion to all of the hours of the clock.
Apply firm pressure as you hold each point for three breaths.