How to Use Shiatsu for TMJ
Feel the tension begin to release as you move your jaw from side to side, clench your teeth and open wide to loosen the muscle. Begin by pressing both sides of your jaw with the heels of your hands.
Press the same point again and begin with your mouth open so as to position the pad of your index finger in the middle of the muscle. Close your mouth and press firmly until you feel a tolerable pain and breathe deeply to promote relaxation.
Relieve facial spasm and jaw pain with the pressure point found in a hollow just below the earlobe. Use your middle finger and press toward your jaw.
Relieve jaw pain, earache and headache by using your middle finger to press the point found just in front of the ear in a hollow formed when the jaw is open.
Place your ring finger on the point one-half inch above the point in step 4 and your index finger on the point one-half inch below the point in step 4.
Apply firm pressure to all three points for approximately one minute to promote relief from TMJ.
Repeat step 2.
Find the pressure point located in the hollow area just below the cheekbone and in front of the lower jaw bone. Apply pressure with your middle finger to promote release of tension in the jaw.
Release jaw and shoulder tension with the point located at the web between your thumb and index finger. Press toward your index finger with the pad of the opposite thumb to stimulate this point. Use firm pressure to stimulate this point and hold the point for at least 2 minutes to assure an effective release.