How to Use Shiatsu for a Sinus Headache
Use the pads of your index fingers to press under the bony ridge at the inner edge of your eyebrow to ease the eye pain and fatigue associated with increased sinus pressure.
Relieve frontal sinus pain by applying pressure to the point on the back of your hand at the web between your thumb and index finger.
Locate the point just below the cheekbone and level with the pupil of your eye as you look straight ahead. Press upward to relieve nasal and head congestion as well as pressure from behind the eyes and eye fatigue.
Promote relief from a frontal headache (forehead) and release pressure from behind your eyes by using your thumb pads to apply pressure to your forehead approximately one finger-width above your eyebrow and level with the pupil of your eye.
Decrease inflammation and clear your stuffy, runny nose by pressing your index fingers to the outer borders of the nose where the nasal flesh meets the face. Hold the pressure for five to seven breaths to open the nasal passages.
Find relief from sinus headaches and allergy symptoms by stimulating the area on top of the foot where the bones between the big toe and the second toe merge.