How to Brew Kombucha Tea
Things You'll Need
- 3 quarts filtered water
- 1 cup sugar
- 4 bags of green or black tea
- 1/2 cup kombucha culture
- 4 quart bowl
Bring the water to a boil. Add the sugar and continue boiling until it is completely dissolved.
Remove the pot from the heat and add the teabags. Set the pot aside and let the tea steep until the water is cool.
Pour the cooled tea (room temperature) into a earthenware, glass, or stainless steel container. If this is your first Kombucha experience, add the culture purchased at the health food store. For later batches, you should save some Kombucha tea from your final product. Include 10% of leftover Kobucha tea when preparing the next batch.
Cover the mouth of the fermentation container with the cheesecloth or other tightly woven fabric. Put a rubber band around the fabric to keep the spores and flies out.
Store the Kombucha mixture in a warm, dark place where it will not be disturbed for 7 to 12 days. Remove the culture and pour the liquid into bottles to drink or store. If allowed to rest for several days in an airtight container the yeast in the tea will cause an effervescent effect. Drink and enjoy.