Name the human body parts in french?
- La tête (the head)
- Le cou (the neck)
- Les épaules (the shoulders)
- Le dos (the back)
- La poitrine (the chest)
- Le ventre (the belly)
- Les hanches (the hips)
- Les cuisses (the thighs)
- Les jambes (the legs)
- Les pieds (the feet)
- Les bras (the arms)
- Les mains (the hands)
- Les doigts (the fingers)
- Les yeux (the eyes)
- Le nez (the nose)
- La bouche (the mouth)
- Les dents (the teeth)
- La langue (the tongue)
- Les oreilles (the ears)
- Les cheveux (the hair)
- La peau (the skin)
- Les os (the bones)
- Les muscles (the muscles)
- Les organes (the organs)
- Le cœur (the heart)
- Les poumons (the lungs)
- L'estomac (the stomach)
- Les intestins (the intestines)
- Le foie (the liver)
- Les reins (the kidneys)
- La vessie (the bladder)
- Le cerveau (the brain)
- La moelle épinière (the spinal cord)
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